Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mass Hysterics - An Unbiased, Spoiler-free Analysis of the Controversy Surrounding Mass Effect 3's Ending

It's an understatement that the launch concluding BioWare's Mass Effect trilogy had fantastic hype behind it. With festivities such as midnight store openings, launch parties and even early copies being launched into space, Mass Effect veterans and newcomers alike were ecstatic to "Take Earth Back." For the most part, gamers and critics were raving over its intense combat, gripping story, and massive attention to detail in its universe. That is, until it had to end.

The issues players had were not so much that it ended, but how it ended. At the end of the game, Shepard is given a few choices, none of which change the generally analogous outcome of the conclusion. To elude from spoilers, that's everything that can be said. This left gamers heavily disappointed, and even perplexed about the fate of the player's accomplices. “Fans of the Mass Effect trilogy have put far too much time, effort, and money into the game to be abandoned with such a fate,” wrote the Facebook page for Retake Mass Effect 3 campaign. “Bioware desperately needs to resolve this issue.” Meanwhile, Internet stars, including YouTube's dcigs (also known as the “Angry Black Man”), have taken a comedic approach to the subject matter.

As popular as the demand is for an improved ending, some people believe that doing so would “deface the beauty of maintaining an artist's intended content.” In defense, fans noted the possibility of the new ending taking the form of an optional DLC, and players wouldn't be required to alter the original ending if they didn't so choose.

As of March 21st, BioWare has announced that development for a new ending is underway. However, the Retake ME3 campaign is far from finished. The fans plan to productively pressure the Mass Effect team (in ways that are not inflammatory) into making sure the incoming ending is worthwhile for their dedication.

So, what do YOU think? Sound-off in the comments below. As the administrator of Gamer's Respite, I respect all opinions, and so should everyone else.


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