Wednesday, June 6, 2012

(E3) IMO - Nintendo Has Finally Convinced Me to Want a Wii U ASAP

Last year's E3 was probably the most exciting time to own a Nintendo 3DS thus far. Those who have already experienced it already knew how impressive the tech is. From the namesake 3D all the way down to the much-improved Ad-hoc online functionality with StreetPass and SpotPass, it never ceased to impress, aside from its underwhelming launch lineup. Now that Nintendo 3DS has a wealth of great options for gamers of all ages and skill levels, everything about the handheld will just keep rolling on with further improvements and a steady barrage of impressive titles. On the other hand, last year's expo also included the introductory announcements of Nintendo's next home console; The Wii U. There already exists a Nintendo console called the "Wii," but according to the Big N, the U stands for a big "thank you" (or thank U for namesake) for all the support that fans have given the company during the lifespan of the original Wii. The company showed off nothing but tech demos that year, including a gorgeous high-definition Zelda tech demo in which Link does battle with a massive spider. The Wii U hardware itself appeared as a peculiar surprise for expo goers and livestream watchers alike. It boasts a familiar-looking console box, and a tablet controller with buttons and analog sticks on either side. The rest remained a mystery until now.

E3 2012 is underway, and as promised, Nintendo shed some, more like a heavenly beam of light,  on the topic of "how exactly will this tablet controller work with games that I want to be playing?" The company showcased a slightly redesigned controller (still a tablet with buttons), announced the inevitable return of Mario and friends, a long-awaited reunion with the fan-beloved Pikmin, and rock-solid third-party support. I'll tell ya, it is one heck of a third-party lineup. Here's some of the third-party heavy-hitters that I'm looking forward to most.
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed is back again this year, but this time returning to the team that developed Assassin's Creed 1 and 2. This is Ubisoft Montreal's largest project yet, with a development time spanning over three years. This time, the AC universe is transferring to North America during the 1700s. From the footage I saw, I'm confident that it will be a joy to play on the Wii U. This version will will put the Wii U's tablet controller to use quite well, with an enlarged radar and touch-screen weapon swapping on-the-fly.

Scribblenauts: Unlimited
Oh, Scribblenauts; the cure to my boredom. Wait, what's a "Scribblenaut" and why should you care? Well, in case you missed the first two Scribblenauts adventures on the Nintendo DS, think of it as a complete dictionary of objects that spring to life just by typing their name (obscenities aside, of course.) Is your objective up high? Simply type "JETPACK." Is a fierce dragon obstructing your path? You could always spawn a sword and fight it yourself, but why not get creative? How about you spawn a "TERRORIST" to deal massive explosive damage to it? The choice is yours in Scribblenauts, and your freedom is only expanding with the Wii U version. This time around, the player can combine objects and creatures into individual contraptions and monsters that can spawn by your command. A dog with car wheels and a punk Mohawk? Sure, why not? The choice is yours.

Batman: Arkham City - Armored Edition
WB and Rocksteady's award-winning comic book action game Arkham City is coming to the Wii U. As someone who isn't a comic book buff whatsoever, I didn't think I'd be this excited to have waited on playing it until a Nintendo console finally got its hands on the Bat arsenal. However, there's more to be had on top of the award winning title. Late adopters will receive a lot of extra Arkham City content right out of the box, and even special controls tailored to the new-fangled Wii U gamepad. This includes controlling the Batarang with its built-in motion sensor, and hacking devices with the touch screen. Heck, a Batman AC veteran will probably have some fun revisiting the game on Nintendo's new technology as well.

Dang, if Wii U is really Nintendo's way of saying "we thank you," then I hope it's enough of a "you're welcome" for me to make it a day-one purchase, because The Big N has me solidly convinced.

Stay tuned for more E3-related news, and my honest input.

DISCLAIMER: I did NOT go to E3. I simply read and watched countless other sources (including IGN, Kotaku, GameTrailers, etc) and summarized the news in my own words including my genuine, honest opinions.

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